**IN PERSON** Play Therapy Training

While there is TONS of research on working with step-families or blended families, many mental health programs fail to address the complexity of working with these types of families which differ significantly than nuclear families.

30% of children will live in step or blended families before reaching adulthood so it’s likely that clinicians will encounter a step or blended family during their career. This training aims to give clinicians the basic understanding of typical step/blended family dynamics, how to apply this psychoeducation in therapy sessions, and how to help families start their restructuring process – all while looking at these steps through a play therapy lens.

This training will pull from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Theraplay ®, and Expressive Art Therapies. Clinicians will gain directive play therapy-based activities that they can immediately implement with their clients.

Presenter: Paige Frasso, LMFT
